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James Welch


James Welch was born in 1940 on the Blackfeet reservation as apart of the Blackfeet Indian tribe. He was an esteemed writer and studied writing under the famous writer Richard Hugo. Welch published five novels, a work of nonfiction, and a book of poetry. 


The Death of Jim Loney

"I have a life of my own," Kate interrupted. "You are not a part of it anymore, by your own choosing. You have nothing left. Anything you do from now on you will do without conviction, without spirit. You reject me. You reject Rhea. You have nothing." 

At this point of the novel, Jim Loney has given up. His sister Kate has offered to take him back to Washington D.C. with her, but he refuses. Rhea wants to take him to Seattle, but he refuses. The two people who really care about him are trying everything to help him, yet he continues to isolate himself. This starkly contrasts every other selection in this anthology. In every other selection there has been a sense of unity. Even amongst the pain and suffering, the people suffered together. In the happy times they celebrated together. In The Death of Jim Loney it couldn't be more opposite. At least for the main character, there is no desire to be apart of the group; the TIOShPAYE. Instead of consoling with his sister, the only person who's shared in his experiences growing up, he pushes her away to the point where she barely recognizes him as her brother.


I chose this passage because I loved the tough love that Kate gives Jim before he leaves. I want so desperately for him to finally realize that he can get out. I was hoping that he would finally have an 'aha' moment, but I knew I should not have gotten my hopes up. This dialogue also made me empathize with Jim. His demons are controlling his life. They are enabling him to reject everyone around him. Pretty soon, these demons are going to take care of everyone outside then have no where to turn but on Jim until he finally reaches his eminent demise.

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